We have added a really great section to Gingle. Now Gingle has the latest a hugest collection of free watchable or streaming movies, that is, movies that you can watch directly in your web browser without the need of any additional software. You just fire up your web browser, visit Gingle, choose a movie, and click on any one of the links provided, and watch movies for free. The movie starts playing in your web browser. No need to download any additional codecs or software.
There are 40,000 movies in our database as of date and we are expanding each and every day. You can find movies even from the year 1900, when there were just silent films. So, if you dont feel like downloading it, you can enjoy those free streaming movies in your web browser without the need for any additional software.
If you want, you can also download these movies using a software called Internet Download Manager, or Free Download Manager. We have a great tutorial of it here - How To Download Streaming Movies. And, as these movies are in great quality, ranging in size to about 2GB, the quality is awesome and you will not be having a little bit of trouble enjoying it on your HDTV as is the case in the movies in the download section, which do not look so good on high resolution displays, the fact being that most of them are in 360p.
There are 40,000 movies in our database as of date and we are expanding each and every day. You can find movies even from the year 1900, when there were just silent films. So, if you dont feel like downloading it, you can enjoy those free streaming movies in your web browser without the need for any additional software.
If you want, you can also download these movies using a software called Internet Download Manager, or Free Download Manager. We have a great tutorial of it here - How To Download Streaming Movies. And, as these movies are in great quality, ranging in size to about 2GB, the quality is awesome and you will not be having a little bit of trouble enjoying it on your HDTV as is the case in the movies in the download section, which do not look so good on high resolution displays, the fact being that most of them are in 360p.
There are so bad quality